Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cars can be big no-no's

Just use your bike. You can easily make your way in to town and run your errands on a bike instead of wasting gas driving and looking for a parking spot.

Riding a bike helps to not pollute, save you money, and make you physically fit.

What is nice is that all you need to buy is a bike (good bikes can be found for $200 or less), a $10 lock, and a $25 helmet. NO INSURANCE. Then, when you need to travel far see if you can use public transportation. If worse comes to worse you can see if there is more thing to do where you are traveling allowing you to carpool with zipcar.

But, if none of the above will work for you and you have to take a car I simply recommend to park in the shade. This will make your gas evaporate at a lower rate and use less electricity because you won't have to turn on the air conditioner to cool the car.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Going Green With Electricity Eating Technology

How would one go green when we watch television and are on our computers all day.

An obvious thought would be to just get a solar panel. The solar panel has a payback after 5 years. As you can see it is good but you might not have the money right now to pay for a solar panel so I found a great option. Get Power Strips.

When anything is plugged into a well it still pulls electricity at a low rate, nonetheless pulling energy. So, by putting all plugs into a power strip you won't pull that extra electricity when the machine is off. It won't only help not to waste electricity but to save you money. The ultimate setup is to have a solar panel and still use power strips.

If you want to go even farther get an LCD because they use the least power relatively.
Now, if you cut your tv watching time in half you will save about 40 dollars every year for every television in your house (assuming you have LCD). Not only do you save money but you also cut the average of 125 Watts to 62.5.

A computer, uses on average 250-300 watts per hour for 5 hours a day NOT including school work. You should cut down that to only an hour or two.

Better yet, do what I call a TV carpool. Watch tv only with friends or family. This helps you get your family time together and is more efficient. If you get an educational movie or a movie/documentary with an important meaning this can start meaningful family conversion which is sadly only 3.5 minutes a week as of now.

To conclude, get an LCD television. Plug your TV and computer into power strips. Cut down usage of computer and tv when it is not related to work or school. This will probably cost at first about $100 dollars not including the LCD. but the payback is 2 years. At some point you would have bought another TV and you can sell your old one to make some money to pay for the new LCD.